Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our Baby girl..
We had our 4D ultrasound a couple weeks ago and got the confirmation that she is a she!! The placenta was in the way a little but the pics turned out pretty good. She looked a little chubby to me for 26 weeks...

She looks like a thinker!!
She has her hand under her chin and resting her elbow on her knee..

Emma and Taylor started soccer this year.
They had their first game yesturday and they won!! The other team didn't show up!! They played eachother for a while and it was rather entertaining. They ran the entire time but were clueless as to where the ball was most of the time. They stopped once to make silly faces at eachother and Emma did a few princess turns. To their defense they both kicked the ball a few times. Emma would run towards the group but once they ran towards her she turned around and ran away. I am just happy they are willing to be out there.
The team is called Soccerbees..

Pre game warm up! Emma was in the goal and could care less that the ball went in.

First Day of Pre K!!
Emma and Taylor started preschool and they adjusted very well. Their classroom is huge and everything in the world to do. They have a turtle, fish, hermit crabs, and a frog.

Our Princess Backpacks!
The days of mom picking cute ones from Pottery Barn are gone..

Open House the day before school.

Well the weather finally is warmer here. Definately Indian summer here! We went down to the beach for the afternoon and Brian dug a hole big enough for the girls to stand in.




Ever since Taylor fell in the frigid water when we first moved here she will not go near it. Brian had Emma running from the water when the wave came in and Taylor watched with me from the chair. She finally got brave enough and tried it herself.


San Francisco Marathon..
Brian has been running "alot" and ran the Boston marathon in April and also ran San Francisco recently. The girls and I went to cheer him on. We sat curbside at the finishline. I took pics of the girls watching with their stuffed animals lined up cheering and of Brian running past us and crossing the finishline. We met up with him and I realized there was no memory card in my camera! I went back and took one of the finishline and him with the girls. Right after we retook the pics I heard my name called over the speakers. The guy who was announcing the race called my name and all I could think was that I won the Saturn that I had filled out an application to win. Brian quickly told me that they found my drivers license on the ground!! Bummer. I'll claim pregnant brain! We left before I lost the kids!!

We took the girls to the Fair and had a great time. The rides were perfect for them. Emma and Taylor would have stayed 2 days there. Since when did the fair get as expensive as Disney?? This was one of their favorites, the bouncing cars!! They decided to get brave and ride this dragon ride that you sat inside of and could spin. I wasn't crazy about it but Dad said it was ok. We put them in one by themselves since they didn't want to spin but at the last minute 2 older kids jumped in. As soon as the ride started they were spinning VERY FAST and I saw Emma fly out of the seat and was on the floor. I immediately became crazy mom screaming for the man to stop the ride. He didn't speak English and smiled at me. I put my hand up like stop and then went for the big red button myself and he stopped it. I told him my daughter was on the floor and he peaked in and said "She's Ok" I said NO get them off!! Emma and Taylor both looked like they had seen a ghost!! Minus these few minutes we had a great time..

Emma was the brave one as usual and rode the farris wheel